Tag Archives: Latex

I was trading emails recently with Tabico and we were sharing some neat music videos that have a bit of a fetish vibe. Not out-and-out erotic stuff exactly, just a little something-something that whispers ‘sexy.’ Or, screams it this case; it is Slayer after all. I don’t know if it will come as a surprise…

This girl Has a Serious Brainwashing Fetish

I don’t think many of us in the EMC community would argue that our fetish is, by and large, one confined to the realm of fantasy. Yes, hypnosis is real, yes hypnosis works for some people. But actual hypnosis and the fetish-flavor we tend to peddle in are rarely the same thing. No mystical hypno-orbs;…

New Manip: Latex and Chains and Webcams, Oh My

So, I was sitting around this evening and feeling stumped on what to write about today. I really wanted to get an update out, but I just didn’t feel like writing at all. And then it suddenly dawned on me: why write when I can manip? Since helping Tabico complete Lieder, I’ve had a manipping…

Manip Musings

They say the first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one. I have a problem. I want to do so many things and I don’t always manage my time well. Compacting that problem, is the fact that I’m a perfectionist to an unhealthy degree at times and, in the past, when I’ve…