Original Manip Files
Published on July 19, 2011
Director's Commentary
The second collaboration between Tabico and I and set, once again, in Iago’s rich Middle Urth mythos. I was tasked primarily with creating the book and special fx. The most fun part for me was probably the editing; going back and forth with Tabico about how the plot would work, how we’d get the story moving in the direction she wanted, and the like.
Always great to see what you two cook up!
WOW!!! you have done great work again!
Wonderful, but the blue-on-black text is actually painful to read, sorry.
Perfect marriage of words and images…wonderful work!
Joe Mama
Hiya Callidus – so this relatively old manip of yours and Tabico’s is one of my favorites, but it doesn’t appear to be loading correctly anymore. I’m using Chrome on a MacBook Air and all I see is the opening page of the book, but the rest of the animation doesn’t appear to have loaded. Problem could be on my end but I figured I’d ping you here to see if you see anything on your end. Thanks!
You are quite correct. I suspect its something with Flash. I’ll have to create an HTML-based version. Thank you for bringing this to my attention and I’ll have it fixed ASAP.
Kek jauster
https://callidus-mc.com/wp-content/uploads/animation/lieder.swf you can always use this link to see the whole story. Its in quite high resolution but it baypass the not working thing.
Yes the image seems to be cut off on the right side for me and refuses to load
I’ve updated the manip utilizing a slideshow gallery. Its functional, but not what I would want long-term. For now though, the manip is accessible and I’ll find a better solution to incorporate with the site’s theme overhaul that will be rolling out later this year.