Hi all! Hope everyone had terrific holidays. I’ve been sick, out of town, busy, sick again, and now I’m furiously writing away on a new series that I hope to have ready next month.

I’ve had this idea rattling around that one day I’d work on an ongoing manip series. It required a couple of things though. Firstly, a story concept that would support ongoing developments or, at the least, a lengthy enough narrative to justify not all of it being told in one sitting. Secondly, I’d need enough photo material that I actually could create new manips to further the story.

That would mean lots of material featuring the same model or models and, hopefully, in enough different kinds of situations to follow the story wherever it went. Conversely, the story concept would need to be fluid enough to accommodate whatever pictures or animations I’d have available.

So, logistically, its always seemed like a fun but challenging idea.

In the past couple of weeks I’ve had some story ideas begin to solidify and I’ve been searching through countless photo galleries to see if there is enough material floating around that I could use to pull off my ideas.

Right now I’m leaning towards this being a more long-form kind of story that gets rolled in three or four parts. I have a pretty good idea of the beginning middle and end but there’s room to play if I want to throw in some additional things.

So stay tuned. I’m eager to share more with you once I’ve had a chance to polish things up a bit.

That’s it for now! Welcome to 2018 and I hope everyone is doing great!

1 Comment

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    Peter Jameson

    Really good to hear you are gearing up for 2018

    I’d be honoured to have an ‘ideas’ conversation with you as I think we share a lot of common likes ( mind control and voluptuous ladies ).


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