I am very happy to report, that connie k and I are back with a new issue of Jette Jones! For those of you waiting patiently, we thank you and your wait is finally over!

It’s been nearly six months since our last installment. I spent most of that time healing from my accident and slowly regaining the ability to walk without assistance. I’m still not 100% but I’m in very good shape, all things considered, and I’m still improving as time goes on.

Sitting down to write for this issue was a little nerve wracking, after having spent months away from the material. But the fun of playing with these characters was quick to return. It was also fun because we had given ourselves a mandate: more mind control!

It’s a common trait of adventure stories in the erotic mind control genre: eventually, the mind control takes a back seat to the adventure. It’s happened to us plenty of times in our previous issues. Connie advocated for setting ourselves with the challenge to find creative ways of not slipping into that situation here. And so, we got creative in trying to find new ways to mentally manipulate the denizens of our little space opera.

It was great fun and I certainly hope it will make for great reading!

The other part of my duties is creating cover images and I was reflecting earlier what an interesting journey that has been. Working with AI tools on the past few covers has been a really educational experience. I’m impressed at how quickly the technology has advanced, even since our last issue.

I’m growing more confident with what the tools are capable of as well my own ability to get the most out of them. There’s still a lot of photoshop work going on but AI generation has definitely proven itself an important component of my workflow for these covers. The ability to generate really specific imagery, instead of being at the mercy of whatever photography I’m able to locate, is a complete game changer.

I warned connie, when we first discussed the idea of creating these comic book style covers for each story, that I had a very limited supply of raw photos that could be used to create fresh images of Jette. I think we exhausted those before issue 10. So the arrival of AI image generation immediately captured my imagination as a potential solution to this problem.

At this point, the possibilities seem endless for how I could use this tech in my visual story telling process. And these covers have been a terrific sandbox to play with the technology and get a handle on how to use it most effectively.

There’s other long-gestating projects that are going to benefit from the new skill set I’ve been developing working on Jette Jones covers. I’ll look forward to sharing more about that when the time is right.

Until then, connie and I hope you enjoy our latest issue and, as always, your comments, questions and suggestions are welcome!


  • avatar


    So pleased you are doing better! And what greater way to celebrate than with another installment of Jette Jones! Thank you to the both of you for continuing the adventures.

  • avatar


    Welcome back!! Glad to hear you are progressing well and are back in the hypno groove!!

  • avatar


    Welcome back! So glad to see you’re recovering nicely 🙂

  • avatar


    So happy to hear you are doing better. Take your time mending.

  • avatar


    Yay! Nature is healing! The new year can begin! The birds have resumed singing! Cows are returning to the oceans!

    All is now well with the world. I really hope you are on the mend and will continue to be so.

  • avatar


    It’s so good to hear you’re doing better, thank you for letting us know! And, of course, for sharing more of your stories.

  • avatar


    I made a couple of fan art pics based on the new chapter, over on my DeviantArt page. 🙂

    • avatar

      Bob Landrebe

      These I need to see. I agree with your comment elsewhere- this has been my favorite chapter of all of them.

    • avatar

      Bob Landrebe

      Damn, I’m slow… was looking for the aforementioned JetteJones fan art unsuccessfully… should have started with the creators I’m already following. Nice work and a wonderful homage to an excellent chapter.

    • avatar


      Thanks soooo much Dollmistress! Connie and I were gushing with glee as we looked over them. We’re so tickled our creation inspired your own. For anyone who would like to check them out, here links to Dollmistress’ DA page:

  • avatar

    Mike the Director

    Welcome back

  • avatar


    Just wanted to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone for the kind words and well wishes for my continued recovery! I’m very happy to be back in the swing of things. It’s nice to be missed but better to be back 😉

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