Greetings friends! Long time no see. Obviously, things have been a bit quiet around here lately and I thought I’d let you all know what’s been going on. In short? Life. Life has been going on. A lot.
Connie k and I were hoping to have our latest Jette Jones story out near the beginning of October but around that time both she and I had some real world circumstances enter the picture. The long and short of it is that our focus has to be there for the time being. We are still working to complete our grand finale for Jette Jones, albeit much more slowly than we’d prefer. Such is life.
Since I’ve gotten a couple questions recently asking if I have any other manip work on the horizon the answer is a firm ‘maybe’. I’ve always got images in my ‘to-do’ folder and sometimes inspiration strikes and I crank out something. There’s always a chance that happens.
I’ve also got long-gestating projects that I work with in fits and spurts. Just before penning this blog post I was doing a bit of research on how to achieve a certain effect that I have planned for the Decisive Results sequel. I’m -always- making notes and working on ideas for the Lily and Samantha sequel.
And I’ve actually got some genuine Web 2.0 style blog posts that I’ve been thinking about recently. There’s a few pieces of hypo-infused media that I’ve been thinking about analyzing and discussing a bit. Things that have caught my attention and I thought would be fun to share.
So that is a brief overview of what’s happening now and what might be happening soon. Thanks for reading and as always, you questions comments and suggestions are welcome.
Hello!!! You said the 2 magic words…..Decisive Results!!! Glad to hear you still have things on the go but as you say, life does have a habit of getting in the way of the creative process. Hope all is well otherwise!
Whilst i am very sorry that real life problems have have struck you both, I am pleased to hear you are both doing (relatively) well.
All the best to you both.
I hope whatever it is that has you and Connie busy, it’s good! And we’ll be here so I certainly hope you won’t worry about that. And lastly … THANK YOU for not forgetting about Lily and Samantha!!! They’re worth waiting for.
Because the real life monster ate us
We’re having to go on hiatus
Please hold on to your smile
Here’s a fact that’s worthwhile:
Hiatus sorta rhymes with Callidus
Mike the Director
It would be truly inspiring to see the follow-on to Decisive Results. Even if our subjugated DA has now outlived her usefulness, shelf-life or mileage limit! Please, when convenient, bring it on!
wayne c
Hope you are doing ok..I`m just ok..Hope you are ok!
wayne c
OMG…Guys,I HOPE the guy`s ok… We have`nt heard from him in 4 months,Getting SCARED for him…Anyone HEARD from Callidus? I have feeling that if we do not hear from him as of November,WE MIGHT have to Consider him dead…What do you guys think? do not desire to be ghoulish,but guys…It has been 4 months….It HAS been disconcerting….Your thoughts?
re: wayne c’s last comment, what then of Connie K, Callidus’ partner in creativity? Would she have not communicated through the blog that something happened to him? Or are you being twice as ghoulish and saying they’re both dead? Is there someone in this community who has a back-channel way to reach out to one of them directly? Or who knows someone who does? I miss them and their works, too. Let’s see if there’s a way to solve this mystery rather than just engage in idle speculation. Anyone?
wayne c
Sorry,Flip…Hey,he`s been gone without a word,for months…I`M concerned…How AM I supposed to Think,or believe,Flip? So,unless YOU can Positively can Prove that HE IS alive,Or not hurt,Flip!! I do not have any CLUE What to think,or believe..I`M scared for him! So,what do YOU think I should believe,or feel,Flip?
wayne c
Oh,meant to say these words…Am scared for him,so I am a bit mixed up:Sorry,Flip…Hey,he`s been gone without a word,for months…I`M concerned…How AM I supposed to Think,or believe,Flip? So,unless YOU can Positively can Prove that HE IS alive,Or not hurt,Flip,I cannot help,but Believe the worst! I do not have any CLUE What to think,or believe..I`M scared for him! So,what do YOU think I should believe,or feel,Flip? That is what I meant to say..SINCE I cannot erase the initial post,I must Post a correction..Excuse my inaccuracies…I feel a bit lost! Pardon my mess up!
connie k
Fear not! Callidus and I are alive and well and just about to unveil Issue #23!
Sorry for the long delay, everyone, but Cal and I have had a number of personal issues — big and small — that have taken us away from Jette and the gang. The good news is that we are both doing well and very excited to continue the story and see if the galaxy can be saved!
Whilst I am sorry to hear you have both had real world issues, I am verybpleased to hear the next installment is perhaps on its way!