Tag Archives: Animation

Scoop: New Animation

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling downright spoiled about having so much new material to post. A few weekends ago I had a rare combination of free time and mass-quantities of inspiration. From that, these last few updates were born. Today’s animation is an entry into a time-tested EMC convention: the intrepid reporter…

Thief: New Animation

Its strange how what I do is both incredibly freeing as well as confining. Freeing in the sense that I can take otherwise unrelated photos and, with a bit of Photoshop and a bit of writing, transform them into erotic mind control art. Feeling like I could take just about any decent photo (within reason)…

Guided Therapy: New Animation

Welcome back dear reader! I hope you’ll excuse the lack of updates over the past month, but October was an especially busy month in vanilla-life. As fun as that’s been, I’ve been anxious lately and eager to post something new. While work on the new video-manip continues, I decided to take a break this evening…

New Animation: Rocking in the Trees

My proclivities for snake-on-woman mind control are nothing new. I’ve explored that territory a couple times now, its a sub-genre of erotic mind control that I do enjoy, but good source material is hard to come by. Probably because its so scarce, I snap up every opportunity to indulge this particular facet of my fetish….

Just Watch – New Animation

Well, it has been a little while hasn’t it? Welcome back friends, forgive my absence but I have been (the good) sort of busy lately. However, I’m equalizing my workload and have a new animation to share with you today. In terms of source material, they rarely come better than this; it really is a…

Starting With Dessert: New Animation

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend. I myself am stealing time away to bring you a new manip I created this week and just couldn’t wait to share with you all. Though its a slight breach of holiday etiquette lets start today’s feast with Dessert, then you can read on to find out more about how this new animation came about.

I recently downloaded a large archive of pics featuring the lovely Justine Joli. I’d seen a little of her photo work and wanted to find out if she’d done any sets that would lend themselves to some hypno-kink. While quickly speeding through a dozen or so folders I came across a set of her with Aria Giovanni, who I’ve featured several times now.