Whoever said procrastination wouldn’t accomplish anything is probably dead…and they’re also wrong…so double whammy there. Anyway, I’m so glad I put off doing this post until tonight, as I’ve found some really great stuff to talk about, just in that last couple of days. Let’s do manips first:
Happily, I just discovered the work of Nihility. While her gallery is relatively small (she just delurked and started posting last week) it shows great promise. Her work displays a healthy command of photoshop for both FX and compositing, but moreover she has a great sense of design as well. Her glowing text is enticing, dramatic and (even better) completely legible (I have an issue with hard-to-read text: there are pills but I lost them kay?). Her caption (just one as of now) is a great bit of storytelling: fleshing out the scene while still letting the reader’s imagination wander around what’s come before and what comes next. Even the “Nihility”-stamp on her pics and her forum signature belie great design sensibilities at work. All signs points to a great new manip talent. I hope you’ll join me in keeping an eye on her work.
Tera S is a good friend and as such its no surprise that I follow her work. If you dig into her gallery, you’ll discover that Tera’s manips are uniquely her own. Whether playful and humorous or dramatic and darkly erotic, the one constant is Tera’s fearless sense of exploration. Such is the nature of the Succubi. Her most recent (as of this writing) piece really got my attention for its simple, elegant, and erotic perfection. Encounters 4 – Attention is, in my mind, what manipping is all about: chic, dramatic, and sexy. I’ve always said that great manips, start with great source images: from now on, I’m just going to link to this picture. Laurus my friend.
Desmond is (apparently) a new author who popped up at the EMCSA this week with his very first offering. The Challenge is an earnest story of dominance, submission, and maybe even love. As a matter of fact there’s scarcely a reference to sex in the whole piece. This story is as unique and pure an expression of mind-control fetishism as you’re likely to find. Don’t let that lead you to believe there’s nothing sexy about this tale however. If mind control (in and of itself) is your kink and if you happen to have an interest in dominance and submission, you’ll find plenty here to get worked up over. And if you think you feel the author winking at you from behind the text, that’s because he probably is. As I read, I kept picking up on things that seemed to be references to other things, maybe even in-jokes: after that Aha-moment at the end, I’m all but convinced of it. I hope we’ll see some more of this author’s work soon.
I cannot tell you how completely thrilled I am to be writing this sentence: trilby else posted a new story this week! Oh man did that feel good. Legacy is everything you’d expect from a master of the medium like trilby. He is so ridiculously good at building anticipation and expectation in the reader. His ability to use tension to further the eroticism of his stories seems as effortless as it is devastatingly effective. And, like all his work, its so blisteringly, molten-hot it will melt your eyes to read. Tribly has been an enormous influence on me (and many others): this story is just the latest reason why. And speaking of stories, what are you still doing here? Go…read it now. Take ice, for your poor melting eyes.
See you all next time.