
Other Uses

This pic was the most challenging thing I had done at the time. I was trying to combine one image that featured the facial expression with another that had the pose I need for her arms. I had been so busy focused on matching skin tones that I failed to realize I had created a…


If Nurse gave birth to the Impero Research Institute, this pic gave birth to the Impero mythos. At the time, I had never thought about continuing that story thread or considered that the Institute would ever pop up again. But, as I was finishing this piece, I felt the need to explain the presence of…


This manip was the first appearance of the mysterious Impero Research Institute that has been responsible for so much of the brainsmoothing throughout my work. This is very ironic in the sense that the Impero mythos has been, in my mind, steeped in a more technologically-plausible sort of mind control while the orgasm ray depicted…

Slave Sphere

I remember, at the time, being very fond of the fact that someone was pushing the subject’s head down as if forcing her to look into the orb. In the final execution though, I think this fact is a little lost in the fx work. Live and learn. One of the very few images I’ve…


Interesting story behind this one. One evening, I was at dinner and saw a woman drinking a glass of wine. She was wearing a green top and, from where I was sitting, the light above her made the wine she was drinking appear to be green. Later that night, while I was surfing, I came…


Another very early attempt that was mostly about exploiting the large glasses the model was already wearing. This is also notable for being the first image I created in which I totally replaced the background behind the model. Although, in hindsight, I probably could have used something other than the color black, cutting her off…

Escape Plan

I think this piece is notable for being the first in which I really tried to hint at some larger story with the caption. The text points to a larger world beyond what we see in the image; situations and people that all must have contributed to what we are seeing.

Worship, Tit Slave

My first, and for a very long time only, image featuring a female dominant hypnotist and male subject.

Her Tit Slave

Another image that I did almost nothing to other than play with the color a bit. I was so taken with the facial expression of the subject and didn’t want anything to get in the way.

Too Late

An early effort that I’m still quite proud of. I was quite proud of the subtle manipping of the subjects hands from the original photo into their poses here.