Search Results for: feed

Decisve Results: New Video

Its not every day that I get to say that in a blog title: “New Video.” After more than a year of work, I am very happy to announce a new entry in the Videos section. You can read on for my director’s commentary, but first, on behalf of Tabico and myself, we are very…

Counting Down to the Premiere of Decisive Results

Welcome back faithful reader. Just checking in with a brief note to announce that my latest video, Decisive Results, will be premiering online next Monday, July 29th! I also wanted to take a moment and thank all of the readers from the beta test group who helped out Tabico and myself with their great comments…

I Need a Volunteer…or Twelve

Greetings intrepid reader and welcome back! Well its been a busy year for me, but I’m here today to deliver some exciting news. I will soon be releasing a new video manip! Tabico and I have been hard at work on this creation and, I’m happy to report, its nearly ready to be released to…

Rumors of My Death, etc etc

Well poop its been something like four months hasn’t it? How have YOU been dear reader? I’m keeping well, busy with vanilla life and trying to do a little traveling this summer (more on that later). But I have been neglecting things here, which I aim to begin rectifying…nowish. So a quick update on things….

Email Subscription is Changing!

A quick note to those of you who are subscribed to the blog via email subscription. The Feedburner address for the site is changing (new address is here by the way) and, as a result, you will need to re-subscribe to the new feed address in order to keep getting mind-control manip morsels (three times…

Literary Lauding

Just to give you an idea of how far behind I am in updating this blog, the very post you’re reading now was originally intended for Thanksgiving. You see, around that time there had been a literal (or literary) deluge of fiction from some of my very favorite authors. Jukebox and thrall had formed an…

Free Photoshop Training This Week

For all those out there that aspire to do their own manipping, Photoshop can sometimes seem an intimidating prospect. Its a complex program which can make for a steep learning curve if you don’t have some grounding in it to begin with. This week, Lifehacker is running a series of posts to get you trained…

Manip Musings

They say the first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one. I have a problem. I want to do so many things and I don’t always manage my time well. Compacting that problem, is the fact that I’m a perfectionist to an unhealthy degree at times and, in the past, when I’ve…

New Animated Manip – Alpha

Welcome back true believer! Tonight, I’m pulling the curtain back on the long-teased super-secret-manip-project that’s been in the works…well a very long time. I think this one may have taken longer to complete than Orientation, which was relatively straight forward by comparison. But for all the starting and stopping, working and re-working, Alpha, is finally…


Hey all and welcome back. Its been a hell of a month for me. My vanilla job is going really great and keeping me extremely busy. This has been a particularly trying month for me, but I’m happy to say I made it through and things are returning to some semblance of normalcy. I’m working…