Author Archives: callidus

Welcome back true believer! Tonight, I’m pulling the curtain back on the long-teased super-secret-manip-project that’s been in the works…well a very long time. I think this one may have taken longer to complete than Orientation, which was relatively straight forward by comparison. But for all the starting and stopping, working and re-working, Alpha, is finally…

While formal employment hasn’t allowed for much progress over the weekend, I thought I’d post tonight anyway and let everyone know that its going to happen this week. The manip I’ve been working on for twice as long as I’ve been teasing it is ‘this close’ (you can’t see my finger and thumb, but they’re…

Welcome back dear reader. As promised lat night, I’m presenting a new project this evening and I’m actually finished ahead of schedule (take a picture it doesn’t happen often). So what’s it all about? Well, I won’t rehash yesterday’s post, but I’ll simply say that I’m currently working on an animated manip of epic proportion…

Greetings and salutations dear reader. Though I can’t imagine why would you check this space with any regular frequency (as I am apparently incapable of updating it as such), on the off chance you’re out there, wondering what I’m up to, I thought I’d tell you. I’ve been creating. The super secret project is still…

Tabico once told me not to let ‘perfect be the enemy of good.’ Which is another way of saying that its important to know when you’ve taken something far enough and that expending any more energy at that point may not pay off with additional quality in proportion to the time spent. Since she’s quite…

Welcome back dear reader. As we move into August, I am juggling more freelance work than I can shake a stick at, and yet, somehow, I’m also making measurable progress on the animated manip project I’ve been telling you about. So, I’m back with another quick tease of my latest venture and a little peek…

Welcome back faithful reader. Last time I teased you with an image and the news I was working on a new manip. I’m practically jubilant at the moment having just overcome a major hurdle to the project. Allow me to explain…as I said last time, this new series is an animated manip and the particular…

Greetings faithful reader. Life these days is busy and breaking away to indulge this site isn’t always easy (though it is often on my mind). I find myself frustrated at not having adequate time to work on spicy manips, animation, and video but ‘real life’ duties must take priority. However, while my time is sparse,…

The day after Christmas I found myself at the local mall with some friends who were anxious to spend several gift cards they had received during the holidays. There are many things I expect from a visit to the mall; pushy vendors of hand cream products, annoying people, and a full-blown mc-junkie on mannequin duty…

I don’t have that many mind-control dreams (and I typically do remember my dreams), maybe three or four in my adult life. Even then, its usually a small facet of something else going on. Last night though, I had probably the most overt mc dream I can remember. I had come across a picture archive…