Category Archives: Updates

Jette Jones 21 is LIVE!

And we’re (finally) back! It took a bit longer than I’d originally anticipated but the latest thrilling issue of Jette Jones is here! Thanks for waiting patiently and, on behalf of connie k and myself, we hope you enjoy the latest installment! Danger is everywhere and treachery abounds as our intrepid crew work against the…

Jette Jones 17 AND 18 Live!

Welcome back friends! As a reader pointed out to me recently, I have neglected the news feed here despite posting not one but TWO new issues of the Jette Jones series. I wish I had an excuse other than “super busy” but that’s what it boils down to. I published both 17 & 18 and…

Jette Jones #16 is LIVE!

Yes, yes I know… late again. June has a been a very trying month for me, personally. I’m very glad its coming to a close and looking forward to not having another four weeks like this again… ever. Since we are so terribly late with this issue, connie and I have decided to go ahead…

Jette Jones #15 is Live!

Yes, once again we are late with the new issue of Jette Jones. But only by a week this time! And the even better news is that we’re hard at work on #16 right now. As much as we jam packed in issue #14 we also had a lot to do in issue #15. The…

Jette Jones #14 is Live!

Greetings dear reader connie k and myself are delighted to inform you that the March issue is finally out! Yes, we know. It’s nearly May. Sometimes life happens. A lot. In any case, we’re finally here and delighted to be sharing the final chapter of our current Jette Jones story: The Rock of Epsilon. This…

Jette Jones #13 is Live!

Aaaaaannnnnnnd… we’re back! And very happy to be resuming our current Jette story! Things are getting more complicated as our heroes find themselves in the center of a plot growing ever tighter. The challenges they face now will affect them in ways they can’t begin to imagine. Check out our latest issue of Captain Jette…

Jette Jones #11 is Live!

Welcome back friends! We’re so happy to be back with a new issue of Jette! Part of the fun of this issue is a chance to focus a bit more on Epsilon. She’s wonderfully fun to write and connie and I have wanted to explore her backstory a bit more. So, it’s terrific to have…

Jette Jones #10 is Live!

Welcome back friends! We’re a few days late (again) but the final installment of The Draining Terror is live! In this issue, Jette and Riesga are pushed to their limit as they fight to rescue their crew mates and defeat the immortal vampire that has enthralled them. Our brave Star Rangers have never been put…

Jette Jones #08 is Live!

Greetings friends! We, your humble authors, are delighted to announce that the latest issue of Jette Jones is live! The synopsis goes a little something like this: While answering a distress call from a sightseeing starliner, Captain Jette Jones and the crew of the Artemis III discover that someone on-board is not who they appear…

Next Week – Compliance and Acquisition Paperback/eBook!

**UPDATE** The book is live on Amazon and available for purchase now! Thanks to all the early birds who picked up a copy !!! Welcome back all! I’ve been hard at work since we last talked on preparing Compliance and Acquisition for release on Amazon. Things are shaping up very nicely and I’m getting super…