Category Archives: Updates

Jette Jones #07 is Live!

Greetings friends! With only hours left in the month of September, it’s time to unveil the thrilling conclusion to Pleasure Trap of the Catwomen! Our heroes are facing danger from all directions as the villains’ plot is finally revealed! Will Jette and her companions save the day? Will they be able to save their own…

Compliance and Acquisition: Coming Soon to Amazon!

[If you don’t make it through the whole blog post, be sure to check out the poll questions below!] Welcome back dear readers! Big news today. Not quite a year ago, I released my first piece of stand alone fiction: Compliance and Acquisition. The response to the story was beyond anything I could’ve imagined. I…

Jette Jones #06 is Live!

Welcome back dear readers! I’m delighted to inform you that the latest installment of Jette Jones is live! This time around the plot thickens for our heroes as they are drawn further into the web of intrigue and danger on the infamous pleasure planet, Plutonia. The villains dastardly schemes advance, even as our heroes work…

Jette Jones #05 is Live!

Welcome back dear readers! July is over and it’s time for next issue of Captain Jette Jones, Star Ranger! In our latest story the gallant crew of the Artemis III rocketship travel to the pleasure planet Plutonia: home of the eponymous pleasure pills, glowing neon towers and seedy dives catering to every vice in the…

New Story: Matched Set

Greetings readers! Just a quick note to let you know that I’ve posted a new story to the gallery along with a couple animated goodies! This one was a long time coming in terms of how many years (a lot) the initial source image has been floating around my hard drive. When I finally set…

Jette Jones #04 is Live!

Welcome back dear reader! Today, we’re dropping the final installment of our first Jette Jones adventure! After four issues, Slaves of the Suzerain has come to an epic conclusion. You can check it out right now in the gallery and then read on for my commentary! It’s been an amazing experience working with connie k…

Jette Jones #03 is Live!

Welcome back dear readers! On behalf of connie k and myself, we’re very happy to bring you the third issue of our ongoing monthly adventure series: Captain Jette Jones, Star Ranger! In this issue, the evil Queen Zeta enjoys the culmination of her plans the only way she knows how (hint: it ain’t a bingo…

Catching Up With Callidus – Dec 15, 2020

Welcome back friends! Well, this year and all the struggle that it represents for nearly every one of us is almost over. As the last days of 2020 tick away, I’ve been keeping busy with a few things and I thought I’d share my progress with you this evening. Decisive Results Sequel This past week…

Compliance and Acquisition: My First Erotic Mind Control Story

It does seem strange to think that this is the first. But, in fifteen years of writing captions to go with my photos and videos, I’ve never written anything that feels (to me) like a complete narrative. But, that all changed this past weekend with my first ever entry on The Erotic Mind Control Story…

New Series: Breadcrumbs… Part 1?!

Yes, you read that right. I’m trying something a bit new this time. Welcome back dear readers! I have got a few balls in the air right now but this series is one I’ve been tinkering on, quietly, for a little while now and rather than make you all wait until I was finished to…