Author Archives: callidus

No, not that Azreal, I’m thinking more Kevin Smith’s revisionist variety: Inspiration. I want to work on something and I really can’t find anything that’s speaking to me. I’ve got a huge folder of ‘To Do’ images and in the past I’ve just made myself crank something out. The problem is that, usually, the resulting…

In the event you don’t know, my friend Tera is quite a remarkable lady. Last week, she crossed quite a milestone: 40,000 posts at the Hypnopics Collective. While my own efforts aren’t quite as impressive as the manip she made to commemorate the occasion, I thought I’d put together a little something to help celebrate…

I’ve really wanted to do more updating, but instead I’ve found myself falling back into my old routine and doing a bunch of nothing. Recent events haven’t made things any easier, but tonight I was feeling really sick of just sitting here. So, in a fit of frustration I posted to twitter that I was…

This is not the blog entry I had planned to be writing but as someone much wiser than I am once said, life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans. A little over a year ago I came across a blog on the now-defunct Yahoo 360 by a woman calling herself Blankserena. She…

While I haven’t been quite as productive this week as I’d hoped to be (I was honestly hoping to have a full update ready by now…so naive), I have been working on some new material and I thought I’d share a sneak peek with those loyal readers (all twelve of you) who are kind enough…

Well, its like…a month overdue, but my new animated manip is online! This one had a long road to completion. The actual animated frames I’ve had finished for months now, but I knew I didn’t want to just have four individual animated manips that would force the viewer to go forward and backward through browser…

So here we are. The migration is nearly complete, still some broken links to hunt down and some images to restore, but, failing that, the new site is up and open for business. I’d appreciate any thoughts you have on the new design, particularly if you’re experiencing any problems. If that is the case, including your operating…

If you’re seeing this on the new site then congrats, I’ve managed to not sabotage the internet. However, I’m still migrating things from behind the scenes so chances are good that links aren’t going to work, pages aren’t going load properly, and things in general are going to go wrong until I finish. I appreciate your patience…