Author Archives: callidus

The countdown has begun. You can pick up the trail either here or here. Keep watching the thread. This quatrain has only started. -Callidus

So it’s like this…A couple months ago my life got turned upside down. Shooting my latest short film, rekindling an old writing partnership, a new gig writing for a gaming blog, and a slightly flooded apartment all conspired to keep me out of the loop for a little while. Unfortunately, I’ve also been neglecting the…

Fetishes are funny things. And for the record, I don’t mean tickling fetishes (though I hear that’s popular). I mean once you’re kinked, there’s no going “straight”. The world just looks different to mind-control fetishists. An extreme close-up of a woman’s eyes (no matter the context) gets our attention in a way that might be…

As I’m sure many of my fellow manip artists can attest, once you’ve done a little tweaking in Photoshop, you start picking out manip work everywhere you look. As much as news agencies would like you to believe otherwise, virtually no photograph today is published without first spending a little time benefiting from some artist’s…

RC is one of the most revered and prolific authors in the mc community. His catalog is, what we in the industry refer to as, “large and in charge”. Posting his initial work to the newsgroup (remember newsgroups?), RC has the distinction of being one of the early authors in the mc scene, though…

benmbedlam posted his first set of manips to the Collective at the beginning of May and has been steadily adding to his catalog ever since. His work is fanciful, sometimes playful, always erotic, always unique. He’s an artist that definitely knows his way around Photoshop and it shows his work. However, he’s also an artist…

Happy Monday everybody. After far too long (again) I’ve got some fresh material for you. Some new and interesting trends in this update. My first vampire pic, I know, I know: what self-respecting mc-fetishist doesn’t have some vampire material? I couldn’t believe it either. Anyway, check-mark next to that box. At some point while working…

I love finding new mc-related sites. More specifically, I love it when other people tell me about them…cause its less work that way. So, these sites have been recommended to me, and I pay it forward to all of you fine folks: for your enjoyment, education, and self-advancement. Behold: One of my (and I hope…

So I’m back. Where have I been you may ask? Good question. When I figure it out I’ll let you know. I wish I could just chalk it up to being busy, but truthfully I think I needed to take a break from things for a while. I needed to get focused again, find my…