Author Archives: callidus

I love updates. Its like playing the lottery. The anticipation as your never-fast-enough internet connection renders your favorite web page, isn’t far removed from furiously scratching at those small tickets with your lucky penny. The code solidifies, coalesces, and a moment later, if you’re lucky, its a winning ticket. A (dare I say it) plethora…

Whoever said procrastination wouldn’t accomplish anything is probably dead…and they’re also wrong…so double whammy there. Anyway, I’m so glad I put off doing this post until tonight, as I’ve found some really great stuff to talk about, just in that last couple of days. Let’s do manips first: Photo-Manips: Happily, I just discovered the work…

As I was commenting to a good friend recently: I suck at predicting what people are going to react to where my manip work is concerned. Often the things that I go for personally don’t elicit much of a reaction at all but the manip I least expect turns out to be the big hit…

Greetings and salutations. This time around I’d like to highlight a couple of authors who have been contributing for some time, but whose work I only recently discovered. One of my favorite past times is perusing through reader’s picks on the EMCSA and the MC Forum (and as of late the Garden), looking for new…

Welcome back everyone! I hope the week finds you all well. If you’ve got some mc site-seeing on the agenda this weekend, then let me recommend checking out some of these exotic locales: Photo-manips:Orpheus_sail has been posting to The Collective for a little over two weeks and already his work is showing great promise. Dramatic…

Just finished a major maintenance update. Spent today rebuilding the site structure and making some tweaks behind the scenes. Things should be easier to get to now, as I’ve eliminated several redundant layers of folder structure. Be aware you may need to update your bookmarks.

For everybody who’s been unsuccessfully trying to access the photo gallery and videos: sorry for the down time. A little maintenance update last night created some problems, but everything is back up and working now. Thank you to everyone who took the time to drop me a line about the outage, I owe you one….

For everyone who has subscribed to the blog: I’m now using Feedburner to manage the RSS. If you would be so kind as to update your RSS feed using the new link. Thank you.

Well as January is nearly gone and I promised myself I’d do better at keeping up with the Blog this year, I figure its time for an update. Something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now is a weekly update on my favorite things in the mc community. Just whatever caught my eye…

After nearly a year of testing, tweaking, and getting things just right, I’m officially “launching” the site. The update today will be (I hope) the first of many this year, as I am trying to follow the sage advice of a good friend and not let “the perfect be the enemy of the good”. In…