Author Archives: callidus

So, that whole “I’ll have an update this week” thing? Sorry, looks like I have to be a liar on that one. In my vanilla life, I sort of back-stepped into what is rapidly becoming a career. Things are at a crucial point right now and all of my focus is there. Anyway this week…

So…its been a while. As much as I want to make updating here a priority I just don’t have the kind of free time I used to. Not that I’m complaining; I’m finally doing what I love and beginning to see an actual career taking shape, but building a career means putting in the time…

2/28/09 UPDATED to include a link to the official Spiral Awards website which got left out of the original posting by Captain Proofread…sigh. Looking back over my (semi) weekly picks blogs, it really struck me what a great year 2008 was for mc fiction. I discovered some new writers, had plenty of great material from…

Welcome back everyone, as I said in the closing yesterday, there’s just too much red-hot-fire to fit in a single post this week, especially since I’ve got two EMCSA updates to cover. So I’m back with another analogy-filled dissertation, hope you brought a packed lunch… Flibinite continues to deliver regular updates to her superheroine-in-peril saga…

I know, I know. I’m a week late. Things got busy, I got caught up…you know how it goes. However, on the sunny side, the last couple weeks have been some of the best in recent memory at the EMCSA and this weekly picks entry is busting at the seems with all the spicy goodness….

Here it is almost Sunday again and I still haven’t finished my picks post from this week. I guess it doesn’t’ matter too much given that the next EMCSA update isn’t until the week after next. But that’s nothing to be sad about, because the stories in this week’s update are good enough to read…

While not the update I had planned, there’s something that’s bugging the hell out of me and I need to vent. So…buckle up. I spend a few minutes every day searching for new photo material to then process into spicy manips. Now the cynical among you will call that looking at porn, but its not…okay?…

An exceptional update at the EMCSA this weekend; loads and loads of good stuff. First up we have Lady K’s surrealist An Appointment to Keep. This tale of seduction and surrender hooks you from the opening paragraph, pulling you in with hints of what has already happened and what is about to. Imaginative and inspiring,…

In the spirit of trying to get back to updating regularly, its time to unleash some new picks for the week of Christmas. Some stories are new, others aren’t but all have caught my eye and held my attention and I hope they do the same for you. First up is a new tale from…