Category Archives: Blogging

I Need a Volunteer…or Twelve

Greetings intrepid reader and welcome back! Well its been a busy year for me, but I’m here today to deliver some exciting news. I will soon be releasing a new video manip! Tabico and I have been hard at work on this creation and, I’m happy to report, its nearly ready to be released to…

Playboy Took My Job

Now, if you’re a South Park fan, you’re probably already saying “They tikk ur jerb!” If you’re not a South Park fan, that joke goes a little something like this. Now that we’ve got that out of the way… So this past week I came across a few photos from a Playboy shoot of a…

Meet My Hypnotic Mistress

Okay, I baited you with that title. Its a cheap ruse, I can admit it. But I promise you that if you walk through the curtain the result will be much closer to a man-eating-chicken, rather than a man…eating chicken. So, just to be clear, I have not fallen under the irresistible spell of an…

Ivy Says

I’m sitting here in the hotel room, waiting on my sweetie to drag herself out of bed (she’s not a morning person). In a little over an hour we’re going to meet thrall and spend the day with her. But first, I thought I might share some more comic-mind-control hotness, which I teased you with…

Rumors of My Death, etc etc

Well poop its been something like four months hasn’t it? How have YOU been dear reader? I’m keeping well, busy with vanilla life and trying to do a little traveling this summer (more on that later). But I have been neglecting things here, which I aim to begin rectifying…nowish. So a quick update on things….

Really Quite Honored

I’ve been pretty up-front about the fact that what really got me interested in doing mc photo manips was actually mind control erotica. Don’t get me wrong, I was an avid visitor of PrivatePages and loved the work there, but it was the writings from The Archive that really inspired me to want to do…

I Were Haxzord!

Well, if you happened to stop by the blog last week, you may have seen an ominous message from my uninvited guests. Yes, my site was hacked by nefarious ruffians with poor taste in music. Fortunately, they didn’t do anything too malicious and I do regular backups so restoring the site was no problem. If…

Email Subscription is Changing!

A quick note to those of you who are subscribed to the blog via email subscription. The Feedburner address for the site is changing (new address is here by the way) and, as a result, you will need to re-subscribe to the new feed address in order to keep getting mind-control manip morsels (three times…

Welcome To Fright Night

As I’ve blogged previously, I’m looking forward to the forthcoming remake of The Thing. However, there is another remake I’ve also been curious about. A film of the same name, based on Tom Holland’s 1985 cult classic Fright Night. Now, for those who aren’t familiar with this high-watermark of cinema, the essentials of the plot…

Too Little Too Late

I’m fond of saying that good manips start with good source material. One thing I’ve always been very diligent about with my work was to find the best source material I could. Quite often, when I find images ripe for manipulation, I’ll snag a few pics from a series and then spend days trying to…