And, I’m back. Its been nearly a year since my unintended hiatus began but I’m very happy to be with you once again discussing the smexiest mind control goodies to be found anywhere. In this episode, I’ll talk about the terrific art of Sleepy Gimp, issue eleven of the tremendous CORE 3D comic, show where to find the best hypo-kink on Tumblr, fill you in on the Two Hyp Chicks podcast, and discuss my latest manip, Failsafe, as well as give you a preview on my upcoming mind control projects.

All this plus part two of my epic conversation with the brilliant erotic mind control fiction author Jukebox and his hypo-kinky companion the one, and only, Lady Ruetha!

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Topic Links:
Sleepy Gimp
CORE #11
Scarlettred912’s Not Official List of Hypnosis Stuff on Tumblr
Two Hyp Chicks Podcast

Hello again.

wip-teaseWell the past couple of weeks have been a jam packed sort of thing for me. However, I’m back at the keyboard this evening, catching up on email and doing a bit of animation work to boot. So, I thought I’d post an update on my recent activities for you all.

Firstly, I’ve finished a new animation this evening. Or at least the actual animation part. I came across the image recently and felt inspired so I went ahead and knocked out the graphic work.

The final version should be very fun, especially if you’re an enthusiast of girl-butt. Leg fans might be in good shape as well. I haven’t started writing anything yet though I have a few ideas on where to start things. Hopefully, I’ll have a little time to tackle that next week. In the meantime, enjoy this little tease:

I’m also preparing the next episode of The Black Room podcast and I’m hoping that will be out next week. That episode will feature the second and final part of my interview with the brilliant author Jukebox, a director’s commentary on my recent animation Treatment Program, and a few other recommendations for your web browser to blush over.

I mentioned last time that I had just recorded a very fun interview and that I’d elaborate a bit more. I had the pleasure of speaking with a very talented fetish producer and performer called Meana Wolf. Ms Wolf has a very popular Clips4Sale store and a healthy amount of her content has some erotic mind control flavor.

While she doesn’t consider herself an EMC fetishist, she has written about discovering her enjoyment for creating erotic hypnosis videos. Her clips feel like they come from outside of the EMC community. I don’t see the overt influence of the more popular or influential Hypnodommes the way I do in other videos of this sort.

Also, I love that not all over her videos aren’t strictly Domme-mind-controls-viewer fare. She’s done a couple where she mind controls another female performer that I found especially yummy. She also has done some peripheral subject matter like Succubi and Vampires.

I think what really sets her apart is her obvious talent as a writer and performer. She really enjoys what she’s doing and that passion shines through in her videos. I’d recommend checking her site out now and be on the lookout for our conversation later this month on the podcast.

Speaking of the podcast, I’ve been thinking recently about the release cycle and how frustrating it must be to get an episode then wait a month or five for the next show. I’ve been thinking about switching to a cycle similar to a series/season of a tv show. I would produce maybe ten complete episodes then release them over ten weeks. Then, the show would be on hiatus until the next ten were ready, and so forth.

I’d love to hear some feedback on this. As I’m frustrated by the infrequency of shows and I imagine listeners are as well. Perhaps this would be a better model for all concerned.

Well, that’s all for me. I’m off to enjoy the weekend. Hope its a fun time for all of you. See you next time!

Greetings all! Well the week has been productive enough though its still going to be a little while before you fine folks will be able to enjoy all the things I have brewing.

I’ve been able to do a little writing on the epic, lengthy, and squick-i-licious animation I’ve mentioned previously. Its one of those frustrating situations where I know, more or less, what I want to do with the writing, I just haven’t had the time to really sit down and work on it at length.

Speaking of length, I’ve received a few very nice notes on the lengthy story attached to Treatment Program. I’m glad people enjoy seeing that kind of material from me as I certainly enjoy creating it. It wasn’t that long ago that I would’ve scoffed at creating ‘short fiction.’ It just seemed such a lofty goal in comparison to the humble endeavors of my caption work. But, as time has worn on, I seem to write a bit more and a bit more with every new piece. And, I must say I enjoy letting my imagination run free.

The changes I’ve made to my website theme have been especially helpful in breaking out of the confines my caption work has traditionally been in. In the past, the caption text needed to appear as part of the image; arranged beside or below the action. That worked fine for the most part but as I transitioned to creating animations, that method became problematic. Bigger dimensions mean bigger files and longer page load times. Uncoupling the text from the image solved that problem while also giving me the freedom to write as much as I like.

Between you and I, its also been wonderful to go back and be able to fix misspellings by simply tweaking a page on my site. 😉

Speaking of tweaking my site, I’ve been doing a bit of work behind the scenes lately. One project was to write a plugin that would drastically cut down on the amount of time required to create a new manip page. So I brushed up on my php skills a bit and spent several days last week banging out the necessary code. The final product is mostly invisible to the viewer, but it makes things -much- easier to manage on my side.

In the course of doing that, I needed to make some adjustments to my site’s theme, which turned out to be easier said than done. The theme I’m currently using was selected as a time saving measure. When I began using it, Google had mandated that, in order to maintain their search rankings, all sites needed to be mobile-ready. I didn’t have time to update my custom theme so I selected an off-the-shelf theme I could live with and saved my site’s search rank.

But now, I’m thinking its time to move on. The theme’s author intended it to look a certain way and hasn’t made it easy to change some things I’d like to change. Rather than fighting with a theme that was only ever meant to be a stop-gap, I’ve decided to start working on a new, modern custom theme of my own.

In order to speed that process along, I’ve started exploring the world of responsive frameworks and SASS, an extension language of traditional CSS. I’ve settled on Foundation as the framework for my new theme and have already completed a rudimentary prototype.

Its been a fun learning experience getting to know these tools and, sometime later this year, I’ll be rolling out an updated website that looks more like I always wanted it to while also looking and performing great on mobile devices.

I also recorded a very fun interview earlier this evening that will be showing up soon on The Black Room podcast. I promise I’ll tell you all about that next time!

Greetings everyone!

treatment-programWelcome back. As promised, I have a new bit of naughtiness for you all to enjoy.

When a woman calls a phone-sex operator to indulge her fetish for large breasts, the Dominatrix who answers knows just how to use it against her.

Enjoy Treatment Program and read on below for my director’s commentary.

I think we established many years ago that I’m a large breast enthusiast. I’m especially intrigued by women who share my fascination. It turns me on that it turns them on. I have a couple of good vanilla-friends, both women, who have enthusiastically talked about breasts being a serious hot-button for them. Even though one is bi and the other very much straight, they both agree with me that large breasts are fucking sexy.

Now, I wasn’t exactly thinking about all that when I saved the above image. Pictures with laptops typically make for good raw material so I usually grab those whenever I see them. Fast-forward a bit and I stumbled across the image on my hard drive a few months ago and had a flash of inspiration. Whereas I typically have a woman being entranced by what she’s watching on a laptop. I thought it would be a sexy twist to turn the tables and show the hypnotized girl on the screen.

I’ve been hard at work on smut recently. I’ve got a series of commission pieces I’m working on, I’m pondering on and collecting material for a long-gestating collaboration with thrall, and I’ve got new animations in the pipe. The first of which, will be unveiled on Friday, June 3rd.

Now, this is not the squicky follow-up to Worm that I teased on the podcast. I’m still writing on that. I have a clear path of where I want to take the story. But, I reached the first major scene and I want to get it right so bad, I stopped writing it entirely. I get that way sometimes. Especially when I feel like the whole, or best version of the, idea hasn’t shaken loose yet. Which is now.

While I wait on that, I’ve put fingers to keys and written about 1500 words on the manip for this weekend. The animation has been finished for months now. But, I didn’t have a surge of inspiration for the story back then and so on the shelf it has sat.

I’ve already done a first pass at editing, which took the word count down to about 900. It was feeling a bit indulgent but, more so, I want to save some of those ideas for another manip-in-progress where I think they’ll fit in better. So, I’ve got a bit of polishing to do, which I’ll get to today or tomorrow.

Bring your imagination, leave your pants, and I’ll see you on Friday!

P.S. If you haven’t already, check out Tabico’s new blog: Tabico Secret Files. This post was directly inspired by her recent updates and I hope to follow her example by making blogging here a habit instead of an occasional threat.

I was trading emails recently with Tabico and we were sharing some neat music videos that have a bit of a fetish vibe. Not out-and-out erotic stuff exactly, just a little something-something that whispers ‘sexy.’ Or, screams it this case; it is Slayer after all.

I don’t know if it will come as a surprise that most of my work has been created to a soundtrack of thrash, black, First Wave Swedish death, groove, and other varieties of metal… but it has. Slayer has been a long time favorite and one of my favorite songs from their album World Painted Blood is a track called “Beauty Through Order.” The song concerns that most notorious of female serial killers, Countess Elizabeth Báthory.

However, the music video is a fetishists delight where a lithe anonymous woman writhes and dances in a pool of flowing, black ichor. The image of black liquid latex flowing and encasing, or entrapping victims, is a potent one and its seen in a variety of EMC fiction across many sub-genres. Whether accomplished through means of magic or alien technology, the notion of a man or woman being overtaken by a mass of flowing black goo that takes them over has an undeniable twist of fetish heat.

Whether the music is to your taste, or not, give this a watch and I think you’ll find something to enjoy.

Slayer – Beauty through order from More Soon on Vimeo.

The Black Room Podcast is back! After an extended break, the podcast for all things erotic mind control has returned. In this episode, I discuss Singory’s treasure trove of EMC on Deviant Art, a terrific new sci-fi/squick story from Tabico, share a wonderful new Femdom author, Dr Moroculous, and share the final part of my epic interview with Madam Kitulot!

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Show Notes:
Singory on Deviant Art
Pierced by Tabico
Dr Moroculous on the EMCSA
Madam Kistulot (@MadamKistulot on Twitter)

Are you watching Marvel’s new mind-control Netflix series? This episode, I’ll discuss Marvel’s Jessica Jones, bring you my fan commentary for CORE issue #9, discuss the excellent EroticHypnosisGIFs tumblr, and share part 2 of my epic conversation with mind control author and aficionado Madam Kistulot!

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[YouTube embed will be up this weekend]

Show Notes:
Marvel’s Jessica Jones
Erotic Hypnosis GIFs

Seriously, you’re still reading this, I can tell. You’re reading this and you’re not watching Marvel’s Jessica Jones on Netflix. Which is a mistake. Because you’re reading this, I can surmise that you like Erotic Mind Control. And, that’s why you need to stop reading this and go watch Marvel’s Jessica Jones. Like, right now.

We’ll talk more on the next podcast!