Author Archives: callidus

If you happened to stop by the site this week you may have already spotted a new manip in the gallery! I’ve been working on a couple of other projects that had to go to the back burner when I stumbled across an amazing gallery of a young red head strapped to a medical table…

On this special episode of The Black Room, I’m joined once again by thrall to make good on the promise made during her last appearance: review the film Annihilation! The novel features insidious mind control woven through its pages and we were anxious to see if this film adaptation would follow suit…

Hi all! Hope everyone had terrific holidays. I’ve been sick, out of town, busy, sick again, and now I’m furiously writing away on a new series that I hope to have ready next month. I’ve had this idea rattling around that one day I’d work on an ongoing manip series. It required a couple of…

Well, I’m back. Actually I’ve been back, I just haven’t had time to write about it. Its weird. Last week, I had this sudden burst of inspiration. For some time, I’ve been toying with the concept of doing a manip series that would utilize stock photography. The sorts of photos that business-types throw into power…

I just realized that the week is almost over and I haven’t posted since Halloween! So, I thought I should sit back down and let all you fine folks know whats going on around here. I’ve been extremely busy with life and work the past couple weeks. So, its been hard to squeeze in time…

Hi all, hope the holiday finds you happy and flush with confectionery treats! I’ve been doing a spot of writing the past couple nights on the same piece I mentioned last time. I’m up to a thousand words now and I’ve just finished a rather fun section that fills in a bit of the backstory….