Author Archives: callidus

Greetings true believers! Although things have been quiet here on the site for a bit… behind the scenes its a -very- different story. I’ve been busy on many new fun & smutty things that I’ll be telling you about and sharing in the near future. Today, though, I’m delighted to bring you a fresh, new…

Hey all, I know I haven’t posted much this summer. I’ve been just completely engulfed in freelance work and other projects. However, I have found some breathing room in the past couple weeks. So, I thought I’d say hello and give you all a little peek at something I’m finishing up. I’ve had this snippet…

Hi all. I know I’ve been out of pocket for a bit. Freelance gig is very busy at this time. I’ve been mostly occupied with that but I did manage to finish editing a new episode of The Black Room podcast! I’ll try to get another blog post up soon detailing where my other projects…

Greetings all! Today finds me busy, yet productive, with a little project I’ve had half-completed for a few weeks. Back when I first snagged the photo, I’d had one of my sudden bursts of inspiration. I had a fairly clear picture of the story before I ever got it into Photoshop. So, I took a…