Author Archives: callidus

Hi all! As we’re rolling into the weekend, I thought I’d update you on stuff and things. Its been a very busy week for me in freelance land. I’ve got deadlines for three different clients all hitting today and keeping on top of things has been, to put it mildly, a challenge. Fortunately, barring anything…

Twice in as many weeks! Have you ever seen the like? So, yes, I’m back with another little goody for you all. My Director’s Commentary will follow but first, I do hope you enjoy Rescue! I recently stumbled across this *lovely* source image on bdsmlr and I just HAD to put a little erotic mind…

Remember, last time, when I said I really wanted to get out some short little bits of manip fun in between these big releases I’ve been teasing? Turns out I wasn’t kidding. Its as much a surprise to me as anyone. As I’ve mentioned before, I have a huge collection of smexy photos and GIFs…

I say “story” instead of “manip” or “animation” because, for quite possibly the first time, I didn’t touch the source material with this piece. Not that I didn’t have ideas or that it might not have spiced things up a bit. However, at the time, I was just in the mood to quickly write something…