[If you don’t make it through the whole blog post, be sure to check out the poll questions below!]

Welcome back dear readers!

Big news today.

Not quite a year ago, I released my first piece of stand alone fiction: Compliance and Acquisition. The response to the story was beyond anything I could’ve imagined. I feel very lucky to say C&A found its audience. That response really cemented my desire to keep writing and developing as an author.

Thanks to each and every one of you who took the time to reach out and let me know that you enjoyed the story!

As you’re probably all aware, my dear podcast co-host Madam Kistulot has been self publishing her stories as eBooks and paperbacks. So… I’ll give you three guesses where this is going.

Welcome back dear readers!

I’m delighted to inform you that the latest installment of Jette Jones is live! This time around the plot thickens for our heroes as they are drawn further into the web of intrigue and danger on the infamous pleasure planet, Plutonia. The villains dastardly schemes advance, even as our heroes work to unravel the conspiracy.

Minds will be fucked, caution will be tossed to the wind, hats will be trampled. We hope you enjoy Captain Jette Jones, Star Ranger #06!


Welcome back dear readers!

July is over and it’s time for next issue of Captain Jette Jones, Star Ranger! In our latest story the gallant crew of the Artemis III rocketship travel to the pleasure planet Plutonia: home of the eponymous pleasure pills, glowing neon towers and seedy dives catering to every vice in the galaxy.

The Hajick female’s body was covered in short tendrils, each a bit thinner than a small finger. They rippled like wind blowing across tall grass in a field. K’wari gasped and pressed her ass into the woman’s legs as another wave of the tiny digits rolled over the fabric of her skin-tight black pants.

The woman was nearly eight feet tall. She bent over, bringing her face close to K’wari’s ear. The thicker tentacles, one on either side of her mouth, glided across K’wari’s neck and chin eliciting a moan from the swaying Vicar. “Do you like my fahlahangeis?”

“Yessss,” K’wari hissed into the nub of silken tendrils on the side of the woman’s head.

“Humans and Hajicks are a good match. Your bodies enjoy our tentacles.”

K’wari’s breath caught in her chest as she felt some of those tentacles creep across her back and shoulders. One of the tendrils at her neck slipped under her shirt and began to weave its way down toward her stiff, throbbing nipple.

Will our brave heroes fall prey to the… Pleasure Trap of the Catwomen?!

Jette Jones #05 is live now!

Greetings readers!

Just a quick note to let you know that I’ve posted a new story to the gallery along with a couple animated goodies! This one was a long time coming in terms of how many years (a lot) the initial source image has been floating around my hard drive. When I finally set myself the challenge of sitting down and writing something to go with it… I cranked out twenty thousand words in a couple of weeks.

A fun little escapade for me and I hope you as well! Please to enjoy: Matched Set!

Matched Set

Kelle and her pretty massause investigate strange noises coming from the next door neighbors.

Welcome back dear reader!

Today, we’re dropping the final installment of our first Jette Jones adventure! After four issues, Slaves of the Suzerain has come to an epic conclusion. You can check it out right now in the gallery and then read on for my commentary!

It’s been an amazing experience working with connie k on these stories. Part four challenged us in all sorts of unexpected ways. It took longer and took more out of us than the previous three issues combined.

I think part of the challenge is that a finale has certain things that you simply must do, as a writer. You must draw the events to a conclusion. You need to payoff the dramatic or suspenseful elements you’ve been using to entice the reader’s interest. That in and of itself isn’t too bad but when you have as many characters as we do and little subplots going for different groups… well lets just say we learned a lot from this experience.

Once again, I want to take a moment to recognize my partner in crime, connie k. I’ve felt so lucky to be working with her on this. I love how much she loves Jette and the universe around our her. Bringing our shared vision for the brave Captain Jones & crew to life has been one of the most creatively fulfilling endeavors in my whole life. And, for sheer fun, nothing comes close.

We’re going to celebrate the conclusion of our first story arc later this evening… with an epic brainstorming session for our next story! Pleasure Trap of the Catwomen is going to be a bit shorter than SotS with an emphasis on mind control, fun and lots of kinky sex. We’re already got some great ideas on the page but there’s still work to be done before we can start writing the next chapter in the adventures of Captain Jones.

We’d like to take a moment to thank all of you who have read the story and especially those who have shared your thoughts with us. We deeply appreciate all of you and we hope you’ll enjoy the tales of Captain Jette Jones for a long time to come.

As always, your questions, comments and suggestions are welcome.

Speed factor 2 and we’ll see you next time!

Welcome back dear readers!

On behalf of connie k and myself, we’re very happy to bring you the third issue of our ongoing monthly adventure series: Captain Jette Jones, Star Ranger! In this issue, the evil Queen Zeta enjoys the culmination of her plans the only way she knows how (hint: it ain’t a bingo night), our heroes fight against the insidious power of Zeta’s mind control and… and I gotta stop talking or I’m gonna spoil something! 😉

The point is there’s plenty of heat, intrigue, action and more heat this month! We’re ramping up towards the conclusion of Slaves of the Suzerain with next month’s release so… anything can happen! The other point, is that Jette Jones #03 is live now!

Thank you all who have read and enjoyed the tales of Jette Jones. Connie and myself love writing these stories and these characters and we hope you all enjoy them as well. We plan on spinning up new adventures for Captain Jones and her crew for a while to come. Thanks for reading and, as always, your comments, questions and suggestions are welcome!

See you next month for the thrilling conclusion!

The Black Room returns! In our first episode of 2021, we are discussing: CG artist GingeSlut357, the Mind Block Wiki, Read Only Mind ROM, a new EMC story site, The Kat Came Back from SoVeryFascinated, CORE 14 & 15 from Uzobono and Tabico.

Then, Madam Kistulot will update us on what’s happening with her new published releases and Callidus talks about his recent projects and offers an inside look at his first piece of EMC fiction, Compliance & Acquisition!

The Black Room – Episode 022

The Black Room returns! In our first episode of 2021, we are discussing: CG artist GingeSlut357, the Mind Block Wiki, Read Only Mind ROM, a new EMC story site, The Kat Came Back from SoVeryFascinated, CORE 14 & 15 from Uzobono and Tabico. Then, Madam Kistulot will update us on what's happening with her new published releases and Callidus talks about his recent projects and offers an inside look at his first piece of EMC fiction, Compliance & Acquisition!

Welcome back dear readers!

I want to touch on a few projects that are in progress here at HQ at the moment.

Jette Jones #03

We’re still a couple weeks away from releasing the third issue of Captain Jette Jones, Star Ranger and things are in good shape. The cover is finished except for minor polishing work and the story is largely in the same state. This issue will up the stakes for our heroes and delve deeper into the sinister plot that is unraveling around them.

It will also have quite a bit of naked women doing the things (and women) that women do when they’re naked. Myself and connie are extremely excited to share this update with you once everything has been put to bed.

We’ll also be uploading Part 2 to The Archive this weekend, a couple weeks early, for the folks who are following the tale there. If all goes to plan, I’m hoping to begin incorporating some bonus Photoshop goodies starting this release. It’s all going to be down to how much time we have once we’re 100% done.

Stay tuned!

The Neighbors

I talked a bit about this story last time. I was really feeling the bug on this tale the past few weeks so most of my free writing time has been dedicated here.

The synopsis for what I have so far goes a little something like this:

Kelle is crushing big time on her masseuse, Adriana, when they are targeted by a shadowy sex ring who has entirely different plans for them.

The tone is fun but with a dark edge that gets darker as the story goes on. There’s some intrigue, danger and some kinky fun to be had. Hopefully, you all will enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.

I’ve completed a first pass that clocks in at twenty thousand words. I feel like that will probably come down in the final draft but only time will tell. There’s a sub plot that might get a bit more page real estate but I think that some other areas will get trimmed down so… we’ll see.

I’ve put it down for a week or two so I can come back with fresh eyes and see what I want to do in the second pass. Once that work is finished, it’ll be ready to post!

Lily and Samantha Sequel

As I may have mentioned previously, I have three potential stories for a follow up with Lily and Samantha, the heroines of my debut story on The Archive: Compliance and Acquisition. For a while now, I’ve been settled on one in particular as their next outing.

I’ve had it plotted for a couple of months and really I’ve just needed to spend a bit of time thinking about the tone and some of the underlying themes that I’ll be exploring. But, I also wanted to plot out enough of the other two stories so I’d have a sense of the trajectory the characters would go on, should all three of these stories come to fruition.

Well, that’s done! And, as such, I’m ready to dig back into my outline and notes to start writing! In fact… I already have started. Just a few paragraphs, but the story is underway. How’s that for a tease? Want a bit more? How’s about a synopsis:

When they learn that a string of unsolved crimes might be connected to a powerful hypnotist, Lily and Samantha take it upon themselves to investigate.

And, if you’d like just a bit more… the current title I’m writing this under is: Working Holiday. Of course, that may change by final release but for now I think it fits well.

Return of The Black Room Podcast

Yes, you read that correctly! Madam Kistulot and I have been talking lately and have decided to end our hiatus. So, we’re heading back into the recording studio for new episodes of the The Black Room Podcast! The first episode of 2021 should happen this weekend and will, most likely, be posted next week.

We’re both excited to talk once again about all the terrific stuff going on in the EMC community and we hope you’re excited to join us! If you have suggestions for topics you’d like us to consider, please let us know, we’d love to hear from you!

And that’s it for me! Thanks for stopping by once again and I hope you’ve enjoyed this little tease of things to come. See you next time!

Welcome back dear readers! As promised, we’re back this evening with the second installment of the new sexy space opera series from myself and connie k. Captain Jette Jones, Star Ranger #02 is live now in the gallery for your enjoyment!

In issue #01 we had a lot of heavy lifting to do. We had a lot of characters to introduce and a whole galaxy of places and organizations to set up. We always described the sexy side of issue #01 as a tease. A taste of things to come.

Well get your taste buds ready because we’re done teasing! Issue #02 was pure joy for us to work on as we got to have action, drama and really turned up the heat on the erotic mind control.